Home Security Services
in McDonough, Georgia
50+ Years of Professional Security Installations for McDonough Homes
Want home security that only a custom security system can provide? If so, then consider Ackerman – a leader in residential security and smart home systems since 1967. Our professionals have over 50 years of experience installing the latest technology, including remote locks, smart doorbells, live streaming security cameras and much more.
Customer Story in McDonough, GA
A longtime customer sees a familiar face
The Problem:
Ms. Rose, an existing Ackerman customer, had become concerned after a streak of break-ins struck her quiet McDonough neighborhood. Worried that her home would be next, she called Ackerman to see about installing new outdoor security cameras around her home. After speaking with Anita in integrated solutions, service was scheduled to get the new equipment installed at Ms. Rose's earliest convenience.
The Solution:
Vincent R., the technician on the case, was a familiar face to Ms. Rose, who immediately recognized him from a previous visit. The two quickly struck up a conversation about how to better protect Ms. Rose's home from burglars. Vincent considered many potential options. But one product in particular got Ms. Rose's attention: a smart doorbell. These doorbells are still quite new. And while Ms. Rose wasn't sure how to use one, she immediately understood its potential value. Vincent went ahead installing the new doorbell, then stayed with Ms. Rose for as long as it took until she felt comfortable with its use. That included installing the app for her on her phone and having her practice with the systems a few times as well.