Trusted Residential Security for Your Home
in Cumming, GA
Home Security Service in Cumming, GA
Ackerman installs custom-designed security systems featuring the latest in surveillance, monitoring and smart home technology. We give you greater safety and comfort at home, so you can get more out of life.
Customer Story in Cumming, GA
A Quick Fix Makes a Big Impression on a Customer
The Problem:
The security cameras on Diane McDonald's home no longer sent signals to her cellphone. She tried to troubleshoot the issue, but all attempts to fix the problem had failed.
The Solution:
Diane called Ackerman Security, who sent out Marcus M. to Cumming to see what was causing the lost security camera connection. A reset of the home's WiFi brought the cameras back online, which was great news to Diane and her family. Marcus made sure to not only secure the signal, but also to connect the security camera's video feed to Diane's laptop.