Commercial Glass Break Detectors in Atlanta, GA
Simplify Your Business Security with Ackerman Security in Atlanta, GA
For business owners and operators in the Atlanta, GA area, security is a necessity. Protecting your employees, customers, and inventory is important, but it should not distract from your daily operations. You are most successful when you can focus on running your business and fulfilling your goals.
A high-quality business security system provides peace of mind and helps deter thieves, shoplifters, and even general mischief from occurring in and around your business. There are several factors to ensuring your business is actually secure. For many busy business owners and operators designing, installing, and monitoring a security system can be a challenge in itself.
Ackerman Security simplifies business security systems. For businesses of all sizes, our consultants provide a thorough evaluation of your business. Experienced and skilled technicians then install the system within your business. Finally, our award-winning monitoring center provides 24/7 surveillance.
When you hire Ackerman Security, you can focus on what you do best. Our team has been building the finest security systems for over 50 years.

What Components Make Up a Business Security System?
There are many types of sensors, detectors, cameras, and control panels available when planning and designing your business security system. At Ackerman Security, we do not believe in one-size-fits-all security. Every business is unique and deserves a custom solution.
Through the decades of our experience, many existing security and burglary alarm systems have key blindspots that can be easily exploited by criminals. Motion detectors are highly effective at covering broad areas with showrooms, hallways, and warehouses but burglars may be able to evade detection if all areas are not monitored. Sensors on doors and indoor cameras covering entryways are essential to protecting your business, but windows are often neglected.
Just like outdoor cameras, a glass break detector can trigger your security alarm before anyone enters your buildings. Glass break detectors are highly effective at discouraging further vandalism beyond a broken window or shattered glass door fronts.
For this reason, Ackerman Security recommends the use of glass break detectors as part of your overall business security.
Benefits of Incorporating Glass Break Detectors
in Your Business Security System
Apart from offering peace of mind and faster response times, glass break detectors pack a punch with their benefits.
Enhanced Security: Cover Multiple Windows with One Sensor
Consider the scenario of your office or store with multiple windows. You can't possibly have a motion detector for every window. In many businesses, doors, halls, and inventory cannot be monitored with motion sensors.
One well-placed glass break sensor can monitor several windows within its range, giving you wider coverage with fewer devices. This reduces the costs of building the system and minimizes the footprint of security systems within your business.
Preventing False Alarms: Reducing False Positives with Advanced Technology
Ackerman Security uses top-tier glass break detectors with advanced technology. These sensors are designed to distinguish between everyday high-pitched noises and actual glass breaking, effectively reducing false alarms.
Contact Ackerman Security For Help Protecting Your Atlanta, GA Area Business
When you work with Ackerman Security, our team envelopes your business as an invisible security blanket. Glass break sensors work to add a first layer of response to the natural weak points in your business. With the highest quality glass break detectors on the market, you won't worry about a false alarm or the quality of your security system. The moment the sensor picks up glass breaking, our monitoring center goes into action and you are alerted via a cloud-based app on your phone or mobile devices. With cloud-based cameras installed, you can then use your phone from virtually anywhere to look at feeds from your security cameras.
Protect what you have built and stay focused on what you do best with Ackerman Security. We build, maintain, and monitor the finest business security systems. Let's talk about what our team can do for you.