Home Security Services
in Douglasville, Georgia
Custom Security Systems & Smart Home Products for Douglasville Homes
When it comes to home security, nothing compares to a custom-built system. And when it comes to custom installations, no other company is trusted in Douglasville, GA like Ackerman. Whether you're upgrading your current system or installing a system for a new home, only Ackerman delivers the experience, workmanship and support to make the project an outstanding success.
Customer Story in Athens, GA
In a Side By Side Comparison, Ackerman's Value Stands Out
The Problem:
Mr. Lee, a longtime Douglasville resident, had recently purchased an alarm system which included sensors, a new camera system and an app which notified him if the cameras detected movement. The only problem? The sensors worked a little too well. They were sending him notifications that weren't true security threats. Mr. Lee did not know what to do. So he contacted Ackerman's Central Station to get some assistance.
The Solution:
Mr. Lee reached a Customer Care Expert at Ackerman, who inquired about Mr. Lee's issues, and determined that the camera's sensitivity needed to be adjusted. Brian H., one of Ackerman's techs, was immediately dispatched to Mr. Lee's home the very next day. Not only did Brian adjust the cameras, he also educated Mr. Lee on how to set the detection areas around his home. The result? Perfectly calibrated cameras which removed the unnecessary notifications.