To learn about crime rates in Georgia, you can explore several reliable sources of information, including government websites, public databases, and local resources. Here are some ways to get detailed crime statistics.
Check if your neighborhood is on a crime map.
If your neighborhood is in or around the metro, the Neighborhood-Specific Crime Map on the Atlanta Police Department website. Click here to see what the crime rates are in your area.
As of September 2024, there have been over 1.3k counts of burglary/breaking and entering in Atlanta in homes and businesses. For an accurate most-up-to-date data, make sure to periodically check neighborhood crime maps, such as this one.
Crime Statistics in Georgia!
If you'd like to know more about crime statistics, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) provides statistics. For example:
According to the 2023 Crime Statistics Summary, there is a 1 burglary every 23 minutes and 41 seconds. See source.
Burglaries are 10.07% of total crime reported in 2023. See source.
Neighborhood Watch or Community Groups.
Neighborhood associations often share crime updates with members and work closely with local law enforcement to track criminal activity. Joining or following a neighborhood watch group can provide insights into specific concerns within your area. Here are some area neighborhood watch programs in Georgia.
Morningside Lenox Park Association is part of the APD's city-wide Neighborhood Watch program. See source.
Community Policing Programs are a division of the APD. See source.

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